About Us

Branching Narrative is a business dedicated to the creation of product with interactive narrative.

The company was founded in 2019

Matt Spall

CEO and Co founder

Mark Ripley

Non-exec and Co founder

Branching Narrative is a new business formed by two games industry veterans.

After working together on a number of projects, Matt and Mark saw an opportunity in late 2018, when they built an interactive video project for an insurance company. Building a small demo with a few choices and Matt acting, the initial proof-of-concept was built, and the rest is history.

Matt Spall runs the business on a day-to-day basis, and covers administrative, design and project management roles. A BAFTA winning games industry entrepreneur of over 30 years, he has previously built-up and sold three highly innovative game studios.

Mark Ripley works in Non-Executive Director advisory capacity at the company. He as built several businesses and teams, developing and delivering interactive content since 1981. 

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